Call Your Dad, You’re In A Cult

October 16, 2021 

I can’t call my dad, he’s in a cult.

Following an ideal is the downfall of humanity. We are chasing an idea of what life should be like instead of looking within and making opinions of our own that resonate on a cellular level. 

If i told my parents they were in a cult it would destroy them. What may be a cult to you is another’s way of life. 

Being a part of one of the most successful cults in American history- the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- and the eventual collapse that leaving brought to my life, opened up a labyrinth of trauma that’s stained every layer of my system and has proved very devastating to try to heal. 

I want people to know that recovering from religious trauma is a different type of trauma. It is a specific type of trauma that impacts the neural networking of your thought processes; and discovering what your true pathways are can create symptoms of, disassociation, paranoia, self-loathing, and others consistent with the effects of brainwashing. 

A cult that makes you believe the woman is the boss while the man is in the background is chuckling because he convinced her to do his will, is toxic: Who is the man behind the curtain? If you cannot clearly see your wizard and forget you’re a god within your own being, you may be in a cult. The ultimate cult-y ideal that was prevalent in the early 00’s was that women should bow to men.

You can get so far in this thought process that you can realize nothing may be true, no one really knows for a fact what is real, and it can lead to a mental breakdown. 

The root of the word culture is cult. 

“Welcome to life, your experience may vary.”

Don’t diminish someone’s issues 

Gaslighting is telling someone that their experience is false. 

Drama triangle- so undermining and pokes at women’s insecurities. 

This age of Aquarius is an eye opening escape. 

The great exodus. A shift. A movement. A new ideal. What are you believing in now? 

Like, no wonder I have a drug problem. I wouldn’t have even discovered these thoughts if it hadn’t been for drugs. So first of all, thank you for waking me up, and also fuck you. Now what do i do? Wait around to die? Fuck that. Why do I want to wait? Oh my life? Yeah i guess there’s some good parts of it, but are they even real?  

I’ve had a series of very big and dangerous mental breakdowns this week to the point where I will probably need to hospitalize myself. Or at least get emergency medication and take a leave from work for the week. 

I repeat- this is not a drill, i am in crisis mode and i am falling apart. 


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