Movie Review

 November 9, 2021

Colossal waste of my time. About an hour and a half in I decided to just sit back and relax and play along. It seemed like the entire theater was over it- so many people were walking in and out of it… the plot changed so much and there were unnecessary character developments and backstories. Please, marvel, be done. Please stop making these- there will always be something bigger and better out there, but that means you have to hire big and better actors, writers, and directors. There were a few main characters that acted as a stretch role for certain actors- and yes, there is one of everything like all movies nowadays. We get it, the universe is deep and all inclusive. Focus on your script and plot before giant scenes with lots of confusing extras. Also, while you’re at it, you don’t have to add things. Not all cinematic layouts work, and when you switch styles so often it becomes gratuitous in the name of “i can do this just because i can” instead of “let me tell a cool story”. Cool new monsters, very much if the universe was spiritual and celestial and stuff. VERY tricky concept. Just because Angelina Jolie is the highest paid doesn’t mean you need to give her more screen time- the long pregnant pauses and inappropriate focus left me feeling very scattered and confused. Great opportunity for some recognizable small actors, but you could easily weed out who has had more experience or who could actually pull off a character. Let’s say, most of these characters and their actors and B- at best. If you can’t get the big guys behind you on another movie, it is time to hang up the towel and move on.  We walked out 40 min to the end, which I’m sure was action, but i just spent over 2 hours or boring complicated story telling.


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